Maybe you suffer from chronic back problems? Perhaps you’re subject to arthritis? In any case, you deal with pain on a regular basis.
You’ve tried a variety of treatments, but, as of yet, none of them have worked out for you. As such, you’re considering using CBD oil for pain relief.
But before you do, you want to make sure that it’s the right decision. You want to learn a little more about it. Fortunately, we have all the information you need.
What Types of Pain Can CBD Treat?
CBD can be used to treat a variety of different types of pain. The types of pain that it’s most effective in treating include the following.
The vast majority of pain has inflammation as its source. This is true of arthritis, IBS, scrapes, cuts, and otherwise. Fortunately, CBD is built to reduce this type of pain, engaging the endocannabinoid system so that its responses to inflammation are effectively numbed.
So, if you experience chronic pain related to inflammation, ingesting CBD on a regular basis could help to offset the effects. Take CBD periodically throughout your days and you’re sure to benefit.
Though not all headaches can be treated with CBD, many of them can. This is particularly true in cases where the headaches are being caused by depression or anxiety. So, if you deal with headaches on a regular basis, CBD oil might be worth a try.
Not only does CBD treat physical pain but mental pain as well. As such, it works terrifically as an anxiety treatment. So, whether you’re stressed out at work or just deal with generalized anxiety on a regular basis, absorbing CBD oil could be of huge benefit to you.
In addition to treating anxiety, CBD oil can also treat depression. It does this by stimulating the endocannabinoid system and slowing down the brain. By reducing the speed of the brain’s processes, it numbs negative thoughts and reduces feelings of hopelessness.
How to Absorb CBD Oil
CBD oil can be absorbed in a number of ways, each of which brings its own benefits and drawbacks. We’ll discuss some of the most common absorption methods below.
One way to absorb CBD oil is to absorb it sublingually. To absorb CBD oil in this manner, you’re going to need CBD tinctures, in particular.
Place a dose of the tincture below your tongue and hold it there for around 15 seconds. This will allow it to quickly soak into the bloodstream, offering effects in a matter of minutes.
There is no CBD absorption method that works more quickly than this one.
Through Gummies
Another way to absorb CBD is to consume it via gummies. Gummies are essentially just gummy candies that contain CBD. You eat them in the same way that you would gummy worms or gummy bears.
The downside to gummies is that they can take a little while to enter the bloodstream. As such, they can take around 30 minutes to kick in.
Through Capsules
Interested in absorbing CBD in a more medication-like manner? If so, you can buy capsules. These are filled with CBD oil and can be quickly consumed as needed.
Capsules take around 30 minutes to enter the bloodstream. Just swallow a few with meals and you’ll be good to go.
Through the Skin
You might also consider absorbing CBD through your skin. This is done with the use of a CBD lotion. Just apply the lotion to your skin and receive the benefits within 30 minutes to an hour.
Note, though, that the effects produced by this method generally aren’t as potent as those produced by other methods. In fact, this method is better for instances in which you’re trying to centralize pain relief; for instance, if you’re trying to relieve the pain of a scrape or cut.
Through Vapor
If you don’t mind smoking, you might consider giving CBD vapor a try. CBD vapor is inhaled via a vape pen and goes straight to the lungs. This enables it to be absorbed very quickly, allowing for a rapid response.
Side Effects Associated With CBD Oil
Though CBD oil is primarily beneficial, it can come with some slight side effects. They include the following.
When you first start using CBD oil, you’re bound to experience a bit of fatigue. This is just your body getting used to a new substance. Once you’ve been using CBD for a while, the fatigue will start to subside.
To keep it to a minimum, start with small doses, and work your way up. Large doses will cause much more fatigue than will small ones.
The truth is that CBD can make you feel a little lightheaded, especially when you first start to use it. Again, this is because your body is not yet used to it, and is using more energy in its response. With time, this effect should begin to fade, allowing you to use CBD with impunity.
Increased Appetite
Though it’s not true for everyone, many feel an increase in appetite while under the effects of CBD. This is connected to the fatigue that it causes, as your brain starts telling you that you need more energy; eating more is the result.
Note, though, that once the effects of CBD wear off, your appetite goes back to normal. In other words, you’re not going to feel hungry all of the time.
Ready to Use CBD Oil for Pain Relief?
What do you say? Are you ready to use CBD oil for pain relief? If so and if you’re looking for CBD hemp oil online, you needn’t look any further.
Eventide CBD has you covered. We sell everything from tinctures to gummies to creams and more. Check out our selection of CBD products now!